Three ladies in an old edged, open spaced, cracked wall, past life lived captured workman store.
From early morning cortado pouring, croissant baking and cake icing we slowly work our way through starting with greeting the morning locals, serving you breakfast from our frequently edited menu to our daily seasonal items.

About Pajamas and Jam eatery
Moving our way closer to those regular lunch rushing we seat new faces, work on a speed of lighting back stage in the kitchen with gas lit stoves, ovens roasting on full speed and orders shouted from side to side we slow down after a few hours of crazy moments towards slicing your old time favourite cardamom + orange cake and serving classics like french early grey tea for a memorable afternoon.
Moving tables back to where they belong, sweeping our old treasured Persian carpets, watering our plants, filling fridges and saying goodbye to all our lovely girls, who worked so hard the day it’s then when we realise what a blissful experience we are allowed to be apart of each day.
In-between we host celebrations on our Long Table, close-up cakes for those pre-arranged orders, carry it to your car and trust you will indulge in the moment and its taste. Order fresh flowers, wrap it for when you purchase a bunch for your home. Light the fire when it’s chilly outside or handout cooled refreshing cloths in summery days. On a daily basis, we work with the strongest team of ladies and one gent, throughout the entire year until just before Christmas when we all depart on a well deserved yearly break.
All the girls go off to their mother land and visit their families, and when we all return, we have new ideas and refreshed bodies, ready to start yet another day with you, our dearest guest.
Contact Us
T: +27 21 854 6408