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DANCERS LOVE DOGS- Playhouse Opera

Dancers Love Dogs, presents an annual performance in Cape Town at the Artscape Theatre, where dancers collaborate to raise funds for mass sterilization of animals in rural areas. This year the initiative comes the Playhouse Opera on Saturday, 18th May at 3pm.

The SA Society for the Advancement of Dance (SASAD) is collaborating with Dancers Love Dogs to put on a showcase of song, dance, comedy as well as dogs performing to raise funds for these mass sterilizations in KZN rural areas. All funds raised through tickets sales are paid directly to vets for the purpose of sterilizations.

In what promises to be a highly entertaining afternoon for a good cause, KZN dance schools and performers have come out to show their support for this very important initiative. Included in the line up are:

  • Lloyd Bristow (The Incredible Dog Show) from Cape Town with his Border Collie, Born to Shine

  • Pam Naude (K9 Communications) from Durban working with therapy dogs and obedience work,

  • Comedian Nabeel Peer,

  • Ballet performances by KZN Dance Academy and MCD Dance Studio,

  • Contemporary dance by Springwood Dance Academy and Durban Dance Unlimited,

  • Tap by Step in Time and Hayman Studios,

  • Spanish by Minette de Klerk Dance Academy,

  • Modern by Swish Studio and Just Dance,

  • Bollywood by Rampage Dance Company,

  • Belly dancing by Belly Fusion,

  • Irish dancing by Stow Academy of Irish Dance,

  • A fusion of acrobatics and ballet by Bella Donna Acrobatics and The Studio,

  • A fusion of dance by Gail Smith School of Dancing,

  • Hiphop /pansula fusion by Dance Direction International,

  • Hiphop by Survivors Dance Crew who were placed 4th in the World of Dance Competition in Los Angelos,

Performances by singers Kiara Theunissen, Savannah Thunder and the OSCA Opera singers,

And Durban Callies Drum Corp and Celtic Heartbeat.

Dancers Love Dogs started off as a small project in 2012 and has grown in leaps and bounds since then. “In February 2012, I noticed a small figure hobbling along the side of the N2 Highway in Cape Town,” explains Brigitte Reeve-Taylor, founder of Dancers Love Dogs. “The little dog was so sick he could hardly walk and I ended up rescuing him and taking him to the vet. I named him Miles and he was my inspiration to start up Dancers Love Dogs.” By March 2019 over 12000 pets have been sterilized through these annual fundraisers. Brigitte and the SASAD are now working on making this an annual event in KZN.

“Many pet lovers live below the breadline. Not everyone can afford sterilizations. Sterilizations are a necessity, not an option,” says Brigitte. “These events make a huge impact on ensuring that there is some intervention in keeping unwanted pet populations down.”

There are prizes to be won and Project Dog, Phoenix Animal Care Treatment (P.A.C.T) and Jade Ashford will be displaying all the homeless pets looking for forever homes.

This years’ show is at the Opera Theatre, Playhouse, Durban, on Saturday 18th May at 3pm. Tickets are R160 and can be purchased through Webtickets or Pick ‘n Pay outlets. The show is about 2 hours 30 minutes long with a 20 minute interval where a dog obedience exhibition will be on display in the foyer outside.

For any further information, please contact Des 082 563 1995 or Noleen 084 427 8591


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